Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry christmas to all of u .Have a great and blasting celebrtation party and also have a happy new year .dont forget to read my blog
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Snowday #3. Like Christmas holidays only better
School is closed again today. If you are grumpy about that fact, perhaps best you move along now because I think it's fab and I'm only going to annoy you.
We have managed to achieve one of my goals in life; a 2day week/5day weekend. Life is good.
After lunch today, we were all in the lounge and I realised that we all had time to just do nothing...or anything for once. Like Christmas holidays only not because there was no burning panic to go and visit people, no hyper children and no lounge full of new toys, tree, crap.
Yesterday I went to the shops. Not because I wanted to do a bit of panic buying with the rest of the village but because I am a disorganised person. I hadn't heard that we would be snowed in this week so hadn't thought to do any shopping before Tuesday so I went to the shops because when I went to the fridge on Wednesday afternoon thinking I would make stew and dumplings for tea, I found we had one carrot, a leek and five potatoes to go with the stewing beef that had been in the freezer for about a year.
I went to the Co-op, it was like a scene from The End of the World. The shelves were empty, not only was there no milk or bread, there was no fresh fruit or vegetable, unless one wrinkled red pepper counts. There were no cereals, eggs, or actually, anything really. I waded through the panicing panic buyers, suggesting that maybe they ought to buy some ballons and Christmas crackers since that was all that seemed to be left in the shop and walked up the road to the farm shop. Because this was a 10 min walk in knee-deep snow, the shop was empty (of customers) and full of food. Ha!
As I walked back home, past the Co-op, I noticed they had had a delivery and they had milk so I wandered back in to find even more frenzy as people struggled to carry 3 cartons of milk each to the end of the queue for the till that stretched all around the shop because 'Who knows when we will get milk again!'. Probably tomorrow but never mind, eh, lets help to perpetuate the panic.
In this snow-covered, mainly car-less world, people suddenly have time to talk to each other. The man next to me in the queue, was telling me how he never goes to the local shop because he doesn't have time as he works but since he hadn't been at work for a few days and he can't get anywhere else, he is glad the shop is there.
Neighbours are all working together to clear their road so that they can get to the main roads and talking to each other even though they have lived near each other for years and haven't really talked at all. Walking home from the shops, everyone wants to talk, maybe they wanted to mug me for the milk I had managed to get but I'd like to think otherwise ;)
I'd like to think that this community spirit would last but lets be honest, we know that come Monday, when the snow has all turned to ice, everyone will go back to their rushed, grumpy lives.
at 9:10 PM 0 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Wednesday, December 01, 2010Snow day!!
Sorry, I know this blog is getting a bit snow-obsessed at the moment but its a bit mad by British, we can't cope if there is more than a couple of inches of snow kind of way. We always get snow but not really that much. The other night I was laughing at someone on Twitter who was talking about getting snowed in and what provisions she would need to buy in, in case she got cut off. Pah, thought I, I wish we got a decent amount of snow and got cut off, that would be a good game....
Fast forward a few days....
The snow is knee deep. My knee and I am no dwarf ;) This was us on the way to the shops this morning. Notice how the sledge has been abandoned. It would seem we have the wrong type of snow for sledges. We also have the wrong sort of daughter because while we were all super-excited about the amount of snow, she was a whingy monster because she had snow in her welly, it was too deep, too cold, too just about everything.
We did, finally, manage to get around the village and ended up at our friends where she and M built a proper snowman. Our pathetic attempt is now actually lost in the front garden, we can't find him under the snow that fell last night.
I know people are going to hate me,including my snow hating daughter but I like this snow. I like the fact that the roads are quiet, I like that people are walking around the village and talking to each other for a change rather than flying around in their cars, I like the fact that school is closed.
at 9:49 PM 2 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Monday, November 29, 2010We're not giving in!
I have a confession...I HATE making snowmen. I love walking in the snow and I don't even mind snowball fights but snowmen building. Urgh! I think it's mainly because I have no patience and I want the thing to just appear, not have to faff around, rolling snow around for it to only fall apart just as you are putting its head on.
Normally, given the fact that snowman building is a blue job, I leave it to M. Thing is, we ended up stuck in traffic coming home from town yesterday when there was about 5cm of snow and 5m stupids who decided that they needed to drive 5mph so I couldn't delegate responsibility, given that it was almost dark when we finally got home.
Today we were supposed to have a busy day; after school I had to drop J and L off at home then go back to school before coming home and making tea for us and my Aunt. However, thanks to the snow, the meeting was cancelled and the Aunt decided that it was too snowy so we found ourselves with a free afternoon. I stupidly got all excited and told L that we would make a snowman when we got home.
First of all Lou got a wellie-full of snow so she had a full-on melt-down and screamed the street down because her foot was wet and cold. My emptying of the wellie did nothing but make her worse because I couldn't magically dry it. 'Luckily' however, our neighbour A.K.A Lou's adoptive Grandad came to see the farce, shook her boot and all was ok again.
After what felt like an hour of rolling a ball of snow around the garden, I lost the will to live and dumped the pathetic excuse for a snowman body in the corner of the garden. Lou took one look at it, marched over and said 'You're not just going to give in and leave that there, are you?' I suggested it would all look ok once she got her (pea-sized) head on which she dumped on. It promptly rolled off, smashed, Lou burst into tears, stomped on the body and burst into tears again.
At this point J decided that Harry Potter on the Wii beckoned and went inside. I tried to convince Lou that we could do the same, adding the bribe of hot chocolate but she shouted a bit more and informed me that 'We're not giving in!' so we had to start building the damn thing again.
So, we started again, me chuntering to myself about how it couldn't be that difficult to build a stupid snowman, maybe it was the wrong type of snow, maybe I could throw myself on the ground and fact a heart attack or something....I even considered bribing the lads who had decided that towing each other behind a car on a snowboard around the road was a great idea to build Lou a snowman but by this point my snowball had got a decent size and almost snowman body sized.
By now, much to Lou's distress, it was getting dark and she was proud of the fact that we hadn't given up even though it was so hard to make the stupid thing so it was all ok to put the head on, carefully this time, then dress him with his hand knitted hat and scarf.
Now I would like the Nobel prize for peacekeeping please ;)
at 8:47 PM 1 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Sunday, November 28, 2010Thanks to everyone for their sunny weather vibes. I got some photos taken on Saturday in between the snow flurries and managed to upload some new bits on the shop last night as the snow was falling and the temperatures were sub-zero.
While listing them yesterday, I thought it might be nice to make some piccies of a few sets so here is the ever popular red fish....
and new this summer, the delicate bird print which has been really popular. This was my least favourite when it came with all of my new prints and its popularity has taken me by surprise. I love the print now too and think it will be staying for a while yet.
We had great plans for today, including the annual pilgrimmage to Donna Nook to see the grey seals but it all had to be put on hold because of the snow. We haven't got loads but the roads to the beach are awful at the best of times and it always feels at least 10degrees colder than it is, being so bleak there so we decided to go next week instead.
at 9:35 PM 0 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Friday, November 26, 2010All I want for Christmas...
For some reason, the world appears to have gone mad this week; the phone has rung off the hook with desperate relatives wanting to know what J and L want for Christmas, everyone I speak to either tells me that they have a. done all of their Christmas shopping (insert smug face here) or b.They haven't even started yet and are now about to have a nervous breakdown because of this fact.
What is the panic, people? It's not even December yet!! I have bought about one present, and you are all stressing me out like friends before GCSE exams...I was always ok until I got to school then, standing outside the sports hall, with friends panicing that they didn't know random facts, that I also didn't know, I wanted to hang myself or run away.
I've had a quick look at my fav lists tonight, mainly on Folksy but also on other shops so here are my Christmas wants, in case you want to buy me anything. The kids, I'll be honest, need nothing ;)
I love these fun baubles from TwinklySpangle. Katy has loads of cool things in her shop.
These cheery paintings would brighten up any corner of my the bathroom should a certain person put it back together again after he took the floor, the bath side and skirting board up at the weekend and scattered it around the house so that I fall over tool boxes and bits of debris ten times a day...Annoyed? Moi? Never!
I have so nearly bought one of these rings from Loving Spoonful, made from vintage spoons, so many times but I can never work out which I like the best. They are all great.
I bought one of these vase covers last year for my Aunt and I love them, such a great idea. The Cotton Potter is a lovely lady; read back to the start of this blog post, you will see that I am one of the late shoppers...she kindly re-opened her shop for me and nipped to the Post Office on a Saturday morning when she should have been on her Christmas break just because I can't get my head around starting Christmas shopping before 20th December ;)
I spend quite a lot of time trying to choose a print from Lola's Room but this mini calendar solves all of those probles. 12 great prints to get me through the next year.
Tomorrow I am hoping to take some photos of new products and fabrics so if people could do a little sun dance...or at least not rain/snow dance for over my house tomorrow, that would be great, thanks :)
at 8:52 PM 1 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Saturday, November 20, 2010How to survive winter...
It's all getting a bit mad at Nicsknos HQ at the mo. Most of the daylight hours (you know, the three a day we have now) are taken up by work at school and it would seem that, as much as we want to ignore it, Christmas is in full swing there; I have cut out about 60 hundred hand-prints to make Christmas tree displays, made stars, cut out strips of card to make baubles and attempted to learn the lines and songs for not one but two plays as well as the usual stuff.
As soon as the sun sets, it is back to Nicsknots work. Orders on my shop and wholesale are flying out and I keep finding that material I had great stocks of has suddenly disappeared....funny how the international material mountain in my lounge is getting bigger rather than smaller then...
As if keeping on top of the housework with work, work, work and kids isn't hard enough, the amount of catalogues and general junk mail that I get through the door on a daily basis is growing. Most go straight in the recycling and I wonder how on earth I ever got on a mailing list for a random expensive skincare company but some I enjoy having a look at while eating breakfast. Yesterday I got a leaflet from Howies. I love their mailings. They are always interesting and fun and this was no different. In with photos of their new stuff and a plea to help save the velodrome, there was this;
Sooo true!! I agree with it all and made a pledge to myself that we'd slow down a bit this weekend and enjoy the cold weather so last night all four of us got under the duvet in the lounge and watched Children in Need. I had my reservations about letting J and L watch it and after J's comments after a certain video, I think I was right but you know, when we were watching Dr Who, it was a near perfect moment, as Dad calls it ;)
Today, lots of tea has been drunk while I have sewed, ironed and reclaimed my kitchen from the near wheelie-bin full of 'stuff' that has been dumped there over the last month or so. Enjoyable cooking has happened and I'm sure more will tomorrow...winter's not all bad ;)
at 8:19 PM 1 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
School is closed again today. If you are grumpy about that fact, perhaps best you move along now because I think it's fab and I'm only going to annoy you.
We have managed to achieve one of my goals in life; a 2day week/5day weekend. Life is good.
After lunch today, we were all in the lounge and I realised that we all had time to just do nothing...or anything for once. Like Christmas holidays only not because there was no burning panic to go and visit people, no hyper children and no lounge full of new toys, tree, crap.
Yesterday I went to the shops. Not because I wanted to do a bit of panic buying with the rest of the village but because I am a disorganised person. I hadn't heard that we would be snowed in this week so hadn't thought to do any shopping before Tuesday so I went to the shops because when I went to the fridge on Wednesday afternoon thinking I would make stew and dumplings for tea, I found we had one carrot, a leek and five potatoes to go with the stewing beef that had been in the freezer for about a year.
I went to the Co-op, it was like a scene from The End of the World. The shelves were empty, not only was there no milk or bread, there was no fresh fruit or vegetable, unless one wrinkled red pepper counts. There were no cereals, eggs, or actually, anything really. I waded through the panicing panic buyers, suggesting that maybe they ought to buy some ballons and Christmas crackers since that was all that seemed to be left in the shop and walked up the road to the farm shop. Because this was a 10 min walk in knee-deep snow, the shop was empty (of customers) and full of food. Ha!
As I walked back home, past the Co-op, I noticed they had had a delivery and they had milk so I wandered back in to find even more frenzy as people struggled to carry 3 cartons of milk each to the end of the queue for the till that stretched all around the shop because 'Who knows when we will get milk again!'. Probably tomorrow but never mind, eh, lets help to perpetuate the panic.
In this snow-covered, mainly car-less world, people suddenly have time to talk to each other. The man next to me in the queue, was telling me how he never goes to the local shop because he doesn't have time as he works but since he hadn't been at work for a few days and he can't get anywhere else, he is glad the shop is there.
Neighbours are all working together to clear their road so that they can get to the main roads and talking to each other even though they have lived near each other for years and haven't really talked at all. Walking home from the shops, everyone wants to talk, maybe they wanted to mug me for the milk I had managed to get but I'd like to think otherwise ;)
I'd like to think that this community spirit would last but lets be honest, we know that come Monday, when the snow has all turned to ice, everyone will go back to their rushed, grumpy lives.
at 9:10 PM 0 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Wednesday, December 01, 2010Snow day!!
Sorry, I know this blog is getting a bit snow-obsessed at the moment but its a bit mad by British, we can't cope if there is more than a couple of inches of snow kind of way. We always get snow but not really that much. The other night I was laughing at someone on Twitter who was talking about getting snowed in and what provisions she would need to buy in, in case she got cut off. Pah, thought I, I wish we got a decent amount of snow and got cut off, that would be a good game....
Fast forward a few days....
The snow is knee deep. My knee and I am no dwarf ;) This was us on the way to the shops this morning. Notice how the sledge has been abandoned. It would seem we have the wrong type of snow for sledges. We also have the wrong sort of daughter because while we were all super-excited about the amount of snow, she was a whingy monster because she had snow in her welly, it was too deep, too cold, too just about everything.
We did, finally, manage to get around the village and ended up at our friends where she and M built a proper snowman. Our pathetic attempt is now actually lost in the front garden, we can't find him under the snow that fell last night.
I know people are going to hate me,including my snow hating daughter but I like this snow. I like the fact that the roads are quiet, I like that people are walking around the village and talking to each other for a change rather than flying around in their cars, I like the fact that school is closed.
at 9:49 PM 2 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Monday, November 29, 2010We're not giving in!
I have a confession...I HATE making snowmen. I love walking in the snow and I don't even mind snowball fights but snowmen building. Urgh! I think it's mainly because I have no patience and I want the thing to just appear, not have to faff around, rolling snow around for it to only fall apart just as you are putting its head on.
Normally, given the fact that snowman building is a blue job, I leave it to M. Thing is, we ended up stuck in traffic coming home from town yesterday when there was about 5cm of snow and 5m stupids who decided that they needed to drive 5mph so I couldn't delegate responsibility, given that it was almost dark when we finally got home.
Today we were supposed to have a busy day; after school I had to drop J and L off at home then go back to school before coming home and making tea for us and my Aunt. However, thanks to the snow, the meeting was cancelled and the Aunt decided that it was too snowy so we found ourselves with a free afternoon. I stupidly got all excited and told L that we would make a snowman when we got home.
First of all Lou got a wellie-full of snow so she had a full-on melt-down and screamed the street down because her foot was wet and cold. My emptying of the wellie did nothing but make her worse because I couldn't magically dry it. 'Luckily' however, our neighbour A.K.A Lou's adoptive Grandad came to see the farce, shook her boot and all was ok again.
After what felt like an hour of rolling a ball of snow around the garden, I lost the will to live and dumped the pathetic excuse for a snowman body in the corner of the garden. Lou took one look at it, marched over and said 'You're not just going to give in and leave that there, are you?' I suggested it would all look ok once she got her (pea-sized) head on which she dumped on. It promptly rolled off, smashed, Lou burst into tears, stomped on the body and burst into tears again.
At this point J decided that Harry Potter on the Wii beckoned and went inside. I tried to convince Lou that we could do the same, adding the bribe of hot chocolate but she shouted a bit more and informed me that 'We're not giving in!' so we had to start building the damn thing again.
So, we started again, me chuntering to myself about how it couldn't be that difficult to build a stupid snowman, maybe it was the wrong type of snow, maybe I could throw myself on the ground and fact a heart attack or something....I even considered bribing the lads who had decided that towing each other behind a car on a snowboard around the road was a great idea to build Lou a snowman but by this point my snowball had got a decent size and almost snowman body sized.
By now, much to Lou's distress, it was getting dark and she was proud of the fact that we hadn't given up even though it was so hard to make the stupid thing so it was all ok to put the head on, carefully this time, then dress him with his hand knitted hat and scarf.
Now I would like the Nobel prize for peacekeeping please ;)
at 8:47 PM 1 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Sunday, November 28, 2010Thanks to everyone for their sunny weather vibes. I got some photos taken on Saturday in between the snow flurries and managed to upload some new bits on the shop last night as the snow was falling and the temperatures were sub-zero.
While listing them yesterday, I thought it might be nice to make some piccies of a few sets so here is the ever popular red fish....
and new this summer, the delicate bird print which has been really popular. This was my least favourite when it came with all of my new prints and its popularity has taken me by surprise. I love the print now too and think it will be staying for a while yet.
We had great plans for today, including the annual pilgrimmage to Donna Nook to see the grey seals but it all had to be put on hold because of the snow. We haven't got loads but the roads to the beach are awful at the best of times and it always feels at least 10degrees colder than it is, being so bleak there so we decided to go next week instead.
at 9:35 PM 0 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Friday, November 26, 2010All I want for Christmas...
For some reason, the world appears to have gone mad this week; the phone has rung off the hook with desperate relatives wanting to know what J and L want for Christmas, everyone I speak to either tells me that they have a. done all of their Christmas shopping (insert smug face here) or b.They haven't even started yet and are now about to have a nervous breakdown because of this fact.
What is the panic, people? It's not even December yet!! I have bought about one present, and you are all stressing me out like friends before GCSE exams...I was always ok until I got to school then, standing outside the sports hall, with friends panicing that they didn't know random facts, that I also didn't know, I wanted to hang myself or run away.
I've had a quick look at my fav lists tonight, mainly on Folksy but also on other shops so here are my Christmas wants, in case you want to buy me anything. The kids, I'll be honest, need nothing ;)
I love these fun baubles from TwinklySpangle. Katy has loads of cool things in her shop.
These cheery paintings would brighten up any corner of my the bathroom should a certain person put it back together again after he took the floor, the bath side and skirting board up at the weekend and scattered it around the house so that I fall over tool boxes and bits of debris ten times a day...Annoyed? Moi? Never!
I have so nearly bought one of these rings from Loving Spoonful, made from vintage spoons, so many times but I can never work out which I like the best. They are all great.
I bought one of these vase covers last year for my Aunt and I love them, such a great idea. The Cotton Potter is a lovely lady; read back to the start of this blog post, you will see that I am one of the late shoppers...she kindly re-opened her shop for me and nipped to the Post Office on a Saturday morning when she should have been on her Christmas break just because I can't get my head around starting Christmas shopping before 20th December ;)
I spend quite a lot of time trying to choose a print from Lola's Room but this mini calendar solves all of those probles. 12 great prints to get me through the next year.
Tomorrow I am hoping to take some photos of new products and fabrics so if people could do a little sun dance...or at least not rain/snow dance for over my house tomorrow, that would be great, thanks :)
at 8:52 PM 1 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Saturday, November 20, 2010How to survive winter...
It's all getting a bit mad at Nicsknos HQ at the mo. Most of the daylight hours (you know, the three a day we have now) are taken up by work at school and it would seem that, as much as we want to ignore it, Christmas is in full swing there; I have cut out about 60 hundred hand-prints to make Christmas tree displays, made stars, cut out strips of card to make baubles and attempted to learn the lines and songs for not one but two plays as well as the usual stuff.
As soon as the sun sets, it is back to Nicsknots work. Orders on my shop and wholesale are flying out and I keep finding that material I had great stocks of has suddenly disappeared....funny how the international material mountain in my lounge is getting bigger rather than smaller then...
As if keeping on top of the housework with work, work, work and kids isn't hard enough, the amount of catalogues and general junk mail that I get through the door on a daily basis is growing. Most go straight in the recycling and I wonder how on earth I ever got on a mailing list for a random expensive skincare company but some I enjoy having a look at while eating breakfast. Yesterday I got a leaflet from Howies. I love their mailings. They are always interesting and fun and this was no different. In with photos of their new stuff and a plea to help save the velodrome, there was this;
Sooo true!! I agree with it all and made a pledge to myself that we'd slow down a bit this weekend and enjoy the cold weather so last night all four of us got under the duvet in the lounge and watched Children in Need. I had my reservations about letting J and L watch it and after J's comments after a certain video, I think I was right but you know, when we were watching Dr Who, it was a near perfect moment, as Dad calls it ;)
Today, lots of tea has been drunk while I have sewed, ironed and reclaimed my kitchen from the near wheelie-bin full of 'stuff' that has been dumped there over the last month or so. Enjoyable cooking has happened and I'm sure more will tomorrow...winter's not all bad ;)
at 8:19 PM 1 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Christmas posting...
This is a bit of a boring post, I know, but I also just want to let you know what I am doing with 'last posting dates'
I am the person, who last year, asked a certain more organised person, to reopen her Folksy shop so that I could do some Christmas shopping so you can see why I dislike 'last posting dates' but even though parcels that I sent out last week, mainly got to my customers the next day,I hadn't had any post delivered to me since last Tuesday until this morning so I know that people are having problems because of the snow and more is forecast for the end of the week here.
In a bid to make sure everyone gets their post sooner rather than later, I am asking if you are thinking of buying something from my shop, maybe think about ordering now rather than having another think (yep, I do that too.) and a cup of tea.
I will continue posting until Christmas Eve so don't panic and if you want to upgrade postage to Special Delivery, let me know and I will sort that out for you.
And now I am going to go and take a bit of my own advice and do some more Christmas shopping.....
at 10:46 PM 0 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Friday, December 03, 2010Snowday #3. Like Christmas holidays only better
School is closed again today. If you are grumpy about that fact, perhaps best you move along now because I think it's fab and I'm only going to annoy you.
We have managed to achieve one of my goals in life; a 2day week/5day weekend. Life is good.
After lunch today, we were all in the lounge and I realised that we all had time to just do nothing...or anything for once. Like Christmas holidays only not because there was no burning panic to go and visit people, no hyper children and no lounge full of new toys, tree, crap.
Yesterday I went to the shops. Not because I wanted to do a bit of panic buying with the rest of the village but because I am a disorganised person. I hadn't heard that we would be snowed in this week so hadn't thought to do any shopping before Tuesday so I went to the shops because when I went to the fridge on Wednesday afternoon thinking I would make stew and dumplings for tea, I found we had one carrot, a leek and five potatoes to go with the stewing beef that had been in the freezer for about a year.
I went to the Co-op, it was like a scene from The End of the World. The shelves were empty, not only was there no milk or bread, there was no fresh fruit or vegetable, unless one wrinkled red pepper counts. There were no cereals, eggs, or actually, anything really. I waded through the panicing panic buyers, suggesting that maybe they ought to buy some ballons and Christmas crackers since that was all that seemed to be left in the shop and walked up the road to the farm shop. Because this was a 10 min walk in knee-deep snow, the shop was empty (of customers) and full of food. Ha!
As I walked back home, past the Co-op, I noticed they had had a delivery and they had milk so I wandered back in to find even more frenzy as people struggled to carry 3 cartons of milk each to the end of the queue for the till that stretched all around the shop because 'Who knows when we will get milk again!'. Probably tomorrow but never mind, eh, lets help to perpetuate the panic.
In this snow-covered, mainly car-less world, people suddenly have time to talk to each other. The man next to me in the queue, was telling me how he never goes to the local shop because he doesn't have time as he works but since he hadn't been at work for a few days and he can't get anywhere else, he is glad the shop is there.
Neighbours are all working together to clear their road so that they can get to the main roads and talking to each other even though they have lived near each other for years and haven't really talked at all. Walking home from the shops, everyone wants to talk, maybe they wanted to mug me for the milk I had managed to get but I'd like to think otherwise ;)
I'd like to think that this community spirit would last but lets be honest, we know that come Monday, when the snow has all turned to ice, everyone will go back to their rushed, grumpy lives.
at 9:10 PM 0 random thoughts on
This is a bit of a boring post, I know, but I also just want to let you know what I am doing with 'last posting dates'
I am the person, who last year, asked a certain more organised person, to reopen her Folksy shop so that I could do some Christmas shopping so you can see why I dislike 'last posting dates' but even though parcels that I sent out last week, mainly got to my customers the next day,I hadn't had any post delivered to me since last Tuesday until this morning so I know that people are having problems because of the snow and more is forecast for the end of the week here.
In a bid to make sure everyone gets their post sooner rather than later, I am asking if you are thinking of buying something from my shop, maybe think about ordering now rather than having another think (yep, I do that too.) and a cup of tea.
I will continue posting until Christmas Eve so don't panic and if you want to upgrade postage to Special Delivery, let me know and I will sort that out for you.
And now I am going to go and take a bit of my own advice and do some more Christmas shopping.....
at 10:46 PM 0 random thoughts on the matter Links to this post
Friday, December 03, 2010Snowday #3. Like Christmas holidays only better
School is closed again today. If you are grumpy about that fact, perhaps best you move along now because I think it's fab and I'm only going to annoy you.
We have managed to achieve one of my goals in life; a 2day week/5day weekend. Life is good.
After lunch today, we were all in the lounge and I realised that we all had time to just do nothing...or anything for once. Like Christmas holidays only not because there was no burning panic to go and visit people, no hyper children and no lounge full of new toys, tree, crap.
Yesterday I went to the shops. Not because I wanted to do a bit of panic buying with the rest of the village but because I am a disorganised person. I hadn't heard that we would be snowed in this week so hadn't thought to do any shopping before Tuesday so I went to the shops because when I went to the fridge on Wednesday afternoon thinking I would make stew and dumplings for tea, I found we had one carrot, a leek and five potatoes to go with the stewing beef that had been in the freezer for about a year.
I went to the Co-op, it was like a scene from The End of the World. The shelves were empty, not only was there no milk or bread, there was no fresh fruit or vegetable, unless one wrinkled red pepper counts. There were no cereals, eggs, or actually, anything really. I waded through the panicing panic buyers, suggesting that maybe they ought to buy some ballons and Christmas crackers since that was all that seemed to be left in the shop and walked up the road to the farm shop. Because this was a 10 min walk in knee-deep snow, the shop was empty (of customers) and full of food. Ha!
As I walked back home, past the Co-op, I noticed they had had a delivery and they had milk so I wandered back in to find even more frenzy as people struggled to carry 3 cartons of milk each to the end of the queue for the till that stretched all around the shop because 'Who knows when we will get milk again!'. Probably tomorrow but never mind, eh, lets help to perpetuate the panic.
In this snow-covered, mainly car-less world, people suddenly have time to talk to each other. The man next to me in the queue, was telling me how he never goes to the local shop because he doesn't have time as he works but since he hadn't been at work for a few days and he can't get anywhere else, he is glad the shop is there.
Neighbours are all working together to clear their road so that they can get to the main roads and talking to each other even though they have lived near each other for years and haven't really talked at all. Walking home from the shops, everyone wants to talk, maybe they wanted to mug me for the milk I had managed to get but I'd like to think otherwise ;)
I'd like to think that this community spirit would last but lets be honest, we know that come Monday, when the snow has all turned to ice, everyone will go back to their rushed, grumpy lives.
at 9:10 PM 0 random thoughts on
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